Why Scan ‘N’ Thru?

Choose Scan ‘N’ Thru for effortless self-checkout. Our solution streamlines transactions and improves customer satisfaction with easy scanning and payment.

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Speed up transactions with quick scanning and checkout thereby reducing wait times for your customers.

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Ensure safe payments and data protection with advanced security features built into our app.

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Offer a hassle-free checkout process with easy scanning, online payments, and instant digital receipts.

Market potential

Tap into the enormous potential of self checkout system

$13.5 bn

Global self-checkout market by 2030


Customers find self-checkout faster than old cashiers.


Growth in global market value in 2023-24

Discover the power of Scan ‘N’ Thru

Enhance your store’s performance with our innovative sel-checkout & billing solution with features designed to streamline operations and delight customers.

Easy Barcode Img

Enable your customers to easily scan barcodes & QR codes to get product details and add them to the cart.

Easy Barcode Img

Allow your customers to pick items, add to a cart, and make payments just as they used to do, but with their smartphones via your app.

Easy Barcode Img

No need to wait in long queues. Your customers can checkout & pay right from the app with just a few taps.

Easy Barcode Img

The store payments generate digital receipts that always stay in the app without getting lost.

Ready to transform the checkout experience?

Talk to our expert
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Featured blogs

Scan ‘N’ Thru aspires to make checkouts hassle-free. We love what we do and we love discussing and sharing our insightful thoughts through our blogs. Stay informed with our in-depth blogs, where we share knowledge on cutting-edge solutions shaping the future of retail.