Streamline your in-store experience with DigiPay’s Scan&Thru solution

With DigiPay’s Scan&Thru solution, your customers can avoid long checkout lines by simply scanning all the products that they want to buy and pay for all of them directly via DigiPay’s wallet.

  • Avoid long queue lines
  • Save time
  • Make quick payments
  • Enjoy the secure way of shopping

Challenges associated with traditional checkout & billing

Many convenience and retail store owners are parting their ways with the traditional checkout and billing process as it comes with a lot of challenges for them as well as for their customers.

Slower checkout process

The long waiting queues, inflexible payment methods, issue of change, faulty machines, and human errors makes the overall checkout process very slow. This slow checkout process discourages many customers from shopping itself.

Longer waiting times

In traditional checkout and billing process, the customers have to wait in never-ending queues which ruin the shopping experience. Furthermore, during peak hours, these queues occupy a lot of room thus causing congestion and avoiding other customers to enter inside the store.

The COVID-19 threat

The conventional checkout & billing process involves a lot of physical touches which makes it prone to the threat posed by COVID-19 pandemic. In such a scenario, a viral infection can be easily transmitted from one shopper to another.

Inflexible payment methods

The traditional payment methods are also inconvenient for both customers and the cashier at the checkout. Many times, the cashier has to struggle with the faulty machine that can’t read the credit and debit cards. And the age-old problem of change always causes frustration and wastes time.

How does it work?

The working of DigiPay’s Scan&Thru app is pretty simple. First, the customer has to download the app and add money to the wallet. After that they can use the app to scan the items in the store which they want to buy. The app will add all the scanned items in the virtual cart. In the end, the customer can make in-app payment via wallet and walk out of the store.


Open the app

The first step is to download the app on the phone and to open it whenever the customer enters the store.


Scan items to buy

Customers can simply scan the barcodes of the items which they want to buy. If there’s no barcode on the item then they can manually enter the code of the item.



Once all the items are scanned, the customers can simply make payments via the app. Once the payment is concluded, they will receive a digital receipt which they need to show to an associate on their way out of the store

Advanced features of Digipay’s Scan&Thru Solution

DigiPay’s Scan&Thru solution comes with a number of advanced features that enables simpler, faster, and secure shopping experience to all your customers.

Scan items

Customers can view the details of the items which they want to buy by simply scanning the barcode of those items via their smartphones.

Enter code

If by chance the barcode is not available on the item, then the customer can manually enter the code to view the details.

Add to cart

With this feature in place, the customer can add those items which he wants to buy into the virtual cart.

Review cart

With this feature in place, the customers can easily review their cart by updating the items and their quantities.


Once the customer is done with adding all the items in the cart, he can make payment directly from his wallet.

View invoice

After the payment is completed, an invoice is generated with a dynamic QR code which is used to scan and verify the purchase.

Proximity-based advertising

Store owners can send push notifications to customers that shows various offers as they approach beacons in the store.

Loyalty & rewards

Store owners can also offer their customers with various discounts, combos, redeemable points, etc through this app.

What can you achieve with DigiPay?

DigiPay’s Scan&Thru solution comes with a bunch of benefits for both store owners as well as for the customers. Let’s have a look at these benefits one by one.

Save costs

Owners can save costs by removing tills in their stores. Furthermore, they can also move the personnel to the shop floor which were earlier needed to operate the tills.

Improved efficiency

Scan&Thru solution eliminates the requirement of tills and thus creates more space in the store. This space can be then utilized to optimize and improve overall efficiency.

Promotions & offers

Retailers can leverage the Scan&Thru solution to offer various promotions and personalized offers to their customers. They can also utilize proximity-based in-store advertising.

Customer empowerment

Scan&Thru solution empowers customers as it enables them to scan the items which they want to buy along with letting them pay for it at from anywhere in the store.

Increases footfall conversion

Scan&Thru solution makes shopper’s lives easy as they can simply buy any item by scanning it on the spot. This ease and speed drastically increase footfall conversions.

Vital shopper insights

With DigiPay’s Scan&Thru solution, the store owners can get access to vital shopper insights. For example, which items are being bought for the most number of times.

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